185Wp / 12V Victron mono solar module BlueSolar | SPM041851200 | with aluminium frame

✅ monocrystalline | ✅ high-performance bypass diodes | ✅ securite glass | ✅ quick connection system

Varianten-ID 100919

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Geltende Gesetze:
Deutschland: §12 Abs. 3 UStG 2023, Österreich: §28 Abs. 62 UStG 1994

Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Nullsteuersatz für den Erwerb von Heimspeichersystemen & PV-Anlagen (auch Einzelteile daraus) folgende Voraussetzungen erfordert:
- Käufer und Anlagenbetreiber muss die gleiche Person sein
- Die Solaranlage muss wohnungsnah sein oder auf öffentlichen und anderen Gebäuden, die für dem Gemeinwohl dienende Tätigkeiten genutzt werden.
- Die Solaranlage darf 30 KW (Peak) nicht überschreiten
- Die Anlage muss in Deutschland installiert werden.
- Käufer unterliegt dem deutschen UstG

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ACHTUNG: Beim Erwerb des Produkts für die Installation in Reisemobilen oder Booten oder sonstigen Anwendungen die nicht mit einer Heimspeicheranlage in Verbindung stehen, darf der Nullsteuersatz nicht zum Ansatz kommen! !

Weitere Informationen

Weight , Versand als Sperrgut

Transportzeit 2-3 Werktage**

185Wp 12V monocrystalline high-performance solar module BlueSolar with aluminium frame

High-performance bypass diodes | Securit glass | Pre-wired quick connection system

The monocrystalline solar cells from Victron's BlueSolar series achieve a high level of efficiency, even at high temperatures, thanks to a low temperature-voltage coefficient. Thanks to their high light sensitivity, they achieve exceptionally good performance, even in low light conditions across the entire solar spectrum. They can be installed and used in all self-sufficient applications such as motorhomes, boats, garden sheds, camping, off-grid systems and all off-grid systems .

Special features:

  • Low temperature-voltage coefficient ensures high efficiency even at high temperatures.
  • Exceptional performance even in low light conditions and high light sensitivity across the entire solar spectrum.
  • 25-year limited warranty on power output and performance
  • 5 year limited warranty on materials and workmanship
  • Sealed, waterproof, multifunctional junction box provides a high level of safety
  • High-performance bypass diodes minimise current drop caused by shading
  • Advanced EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) encapsulation system with three-layer backsheet meets the most stringent safety regulations for high voltage operation.
  • A sturdy, anodised aluminium frame allows the modules to be easily attached to the roof using a range of standard mounting systems.
  • The highest quality, high transmittance Sekurit glass offers improved strength and impact resistance.
  • Pre-wired quick connection system with MC-4 compatible connectors

Our recommendation

These modules are ideal for installation in off-grid systems or on motorhomes and boats. Operation with a good MPPT controller is recommended in order to maximise the yield. Of course, the solar cell can also be operated with conventional PWM solar controllers (note the input voltage), but the advantage of an MPPT controller is an additional yield of approx. 20%.

If several solar modules are used, always connect them in series and only then allow them to be regulated down to the battery voltage in the MPPT solar charge controller. This makes the cabling more cost-effective (no Y-connectors are required for parallel connection), the loss on the line is lower as the solar power is transported to the charge controller via a low current at high voltage. The solar charge controller can also work in diffuse light, as the voltage of the solar modules is high due to the series connection. If you want to use this solar module in a 24V battery system, you need at least two of these modules. Of course, you can also use several modules.

You can find a selection of solar charge controllers in our solar charge controller category.

In our mounting material category, you will find various brackets, mounting systems and spoilers for mounting on your motorhome, caravan or boat. caravan or boat.

Scope of delivery

  • 185Wp / 12V Victron mono solar module BlueSolar | SPM041851200 | with aluminium frame 
  • Of course, you can also obtain operating instructions and a data sheet in German from us in the download area.

Victron manufacturer's warranty

  • Lithium batteries: 3-year manufacturer's warranty
  • Lead/gel/AGM batteries: 2-year manufacturer's warranty
  • All other products: 5-year manufacturer's warranty, extendable to 10 years

Further helpful tips can be found in our FAQ questions/answers page under the following FAQ link .

185Wp solar module BlueSolar

Manufacturer number:
Rated power (±3% tolerance) (Pmpp)
Max. power (Vmpp):
max. power (Impp):
Open circuit voltage:
Short-circuit current (Isc):

Electrical data under standard test conditions (STC): Standard test conditions: 1,000 W/m2, 25ºC, AM (air mass) 1.5



Dimension mm (L x W x H):
1485 x 668 x 30


Basic module data

Cell type:
Number of cells connected in series:
Max. system voltage
Temperature coefficient of MPP (%):
Temperature coefficient of Voc (%):
Temperature coefficient of Isc (%):
Temperature Range:
-40°C to +85°C
Max. surface load:
200 kg/m²
Permissible load due to hail:
23 m/s, 7.53 g
Distribution box type:
Cable length / connector type:
900 mm MC4 compatible
Output tolerance:
+/-3 %
Product warranty:
5 years
Warranty on electrical power:
10 years 90 % + 25 years 80 % of the output power

Victron Energy B.V
De Paal 35
1351 JG Almere-Haven

Varianten ID


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<div class="pdf"> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u2jdcy5r08oxywkox4obx/Datasheet-BlueSolar-Monocrystalline-Panels-EN-01.08.2024.pdf?rlkey=lim66p9x27b2pqjw0mxypzone&dl=0"target="_blank">Datasheet 185Wp 12V Solarmodul Mono</a> </div> <div class="pdf"> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bryverse06gkxvv0aij9n/Installation-Manual-BlueSolar-Panels-EN-NL-FR-DE-ES-SE_01.08.2024.pdf?rlkey=8wr3l6ugvkgyj9h86xpbs0wwt&dl=0"target="_blank">Manual 185Wp 12V Solarmodul Mono</a> </div>

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