Victron SmartShunt 500A/50mV | SHU050150050 | Battery computer

✅ Battery monitor ✅ Bluetooth ✅ VE.Direct port ✅ for 12V / 24V / 36V / 48V battery systems

Varianten-ID 96824

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Geltende Gesetze:
Deutschland: §12 Abs. 3 UStG 2023, Österreich: §28 Abs. 62 UStG 1994

Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Nullsteuersatz für den Erwerb von Heimspeichersystemen & PV-Anlagen (auch Einzelteile daraus) folgende Voraussetzungen erfordert:
- Käufer und Anlagenbetreiber muss die gleiche Person sein
- Die Solaranlage muss wohnungsnah sein oder auf öffentlichen und anderen Gebäuden, die für dem Gemeinwohl dienende Tätigkeiten genutzt werden.
- Die Solaranlage darf 30 KW (Peak) nicht überschreiten
- Die Anlage muss in Deutschland installiert werden.
- Käufer unterliegt dem deutschen UstG

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Transportzeit 1-2 Werktage**

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SmartShunt 500A battery computer - Bluetooth connection via app

Battery monitor | VE.Direct port | Electrical auxiliary connections | for 12V / 24V / 36V / 48V battery systems

The SmartShunt 500A is a smart battery computer / battery monitor, only without a display, where your smartphone or tablet acts as a display. The connection between the Smartshunt and your end device is established via Bluetooth. The VictronConnect app isused to read out all monitored battery parameters, such as state of charge, charging and discharging currents, battery voltage, remaining runtime, history information and much more, and displays them in a graphically appealing way on the end device. The VictronConnect app is available to download free of charge from the App Store and Google Play Store.

In addition to Bluetooth, the SmartShunt 500A is equipped with a VE.Direct connection and an additional measurement input, which can be usedto monitor a second battery, to monitor the centre point voltage or to connect a temperature sensor.

Alternatively, the SmartShunt can also be connected to a GX device, such as the Cerbo GX MK2. In this case, it is connected with a connection cable for VE.Direct connection so that all monitored battery parameters, such as state of charge, charging and discharging currents, battery voltage, remaining runtime and progress information can be transferred to the communication centre.

It is a good alternative to a BMV battery monitor (measuring shunt + display), especially for systems where battery monitoring is required but less cabling and additional displays are desired.

The SmartShunt is also available in 300A, 1000A and 2000A versions.
If you want to use the SmartShunt on a boat or in a damp environment, you can find the SmartShunts with IP65 protection class in our
battery monitor category .

Its most important features:

  • Bluetooth
  • VE.Direct port
  • Read out state of charge in per cent
  • Measure charging and discharging currents
  • Measure battery voltage
  • Calculate remaining runtime
  • Display history information
  • Monitoring of a second battery, or centre point voltage, ortemperature monitoring

Smartshunt and Smartshunt IP65

There are currently two Smartshunt models from Victron. The range of functions and performance of both models is absolutely identical. The difference is that the Smartshunt IP65 is splash-proof, the connections for the battery voltage / medium voltage and the connection are cable connections with a length of 1.5 metres. In the "normal" Smartshunt, these connections are located directly on the housing of the Smartshunt in terminal design or as a plug-in connection.

Differences compared to the BMV712 battery monitor / battery computer:

  • No programmable visual and acoustic alarm
  • No programmable relay
  • No display screen

SmartShunt 500A as a battery monitor

It measures battery voltage and current. Based on these measurements, it calculates the state of charge and the remaining battery life. It also tracks historical data, such as the deepest discharge, the average discharge and the number of charging and discharging cycles.

Why battery monitoring is so important:
Batteries are used in a variety of applications, in most cases to store energy for later use. But how much energy is stored in the battery? The battery itself does not indicate this. The operating time of batteries depends on numerous factors. Battery life can be shortened by under- or overcharging, deep discharge, excessive charging or discharging currents and high ambient temperature. Monitoring the battery with an advanced battery monitor provides the user with important feedback so that corrective action can be taken if necessary. This extends battery life and the battery monitor will quickly pay for itself.

VictronConnect App

The VictronConnect app is essential for setting up and monitoring the battery monitor.

The VictronConnect app can connect to the battery monitor in the following ways:


The VictronConnect app is available for the following platforms

  • Android
  • Apple iOS (USB is not supported, only a connection via Bluetooth is possible)
  • MacOs
  • Windows (Bluetooth is not supported, only a connection via USB is possible)


The app is available to download free of charge from the various app stores.

Note on the range of the Bluetooth signal

The shunt and the power cables have a negative influence on the range of the Bluetooth signal. However, the range of 10-15 metres achieved here is satisfactory in most cases. If there are other electrically conductive elements in the vicinity, such as the metal chassis of a vehicle or seawater around the hull of a boat, the range of the Bluetooth signal can be reduced to an unacceptable level. The solution in such a case is to use a VE.Direct Bluetooth dongle and switch off Bluetooth in the SmartShunt.

GX devices for the SmartShunt 500A

The SmartShunt can be connected to an Victron GX device for system and/or remote monitoring. Further information on the GX device can be found on the product page of the respective GX device. The GX device can be connected to the VRM portal for remote monitoring. Further information on the VRM portal can be found on the VRM page.

Our GX devices, various displays and matching accessories can be found in our display panels category .

The devices shown in the illustration, from left to right: Victron Cerbo GX MK2, Victron GX Touch 50, Victron Venus GX, Victron Colour Control GX

Connection example of the SmartShunt

This example shows how the SmartShunt is connected to the Color Control GX.

Scope of delivery

  • Victron SmartShunt 500A/50mV | SHU050150050 | Battery computer 
  • 2 x cable with fuse, for "+" connection and starter battery or centre point connection
  • Of course, you will also receive operating instructions in German from us

Victron manufacturer's warranty

  • Lithium batteries: 3-year manufacturer's warranty
  • Lead/gel/AGM batteries: 2-year manufacturer's warranty
  • All other products: 5-year manufacturer's warranty, extendable to 10 years

Further helpful tips can be found in our FAQ questions/answers page under the following link:

SmartShunt 500A

Manufacturer part number:
Power supply voltage range:
Current consumption:
< 1mA
Input voltage range, auxiliary battery:
Battery capacity (Ah):
Operating temperature range:
-40 to +50°C (-40 - 120°F)
Measures voltage of a second battery, temperature or centre point:
Temperature measuring range:
-20 to +50°C
VE.Direct communication port:


Resolution and accuracy

± 0,01A
± 0,01V
Ampere hours:
± 0.1Ah
State of charge (0-100%):
± 0,1%
Remaining time:
± 1min
Temperature (if optional temperature sensor is connected):
± 1°C/°F (0 - 50 °C or 30-120°F)
Accuracy of current measurement:
± 0,4%
Less than 10mA
Accuracy of voltage measurement:
± 0,3%


Installation and dimensions

Dimensions (H x W x D):
46 x 120 x 54mm
Bolt for shunt connections:
Protection class:


Safety standards

EN 60335-1
Emissions / Immunity:
EN-IEC 61000-6-1EN-IEC 61000-6-2EN-IEC 61000-6-3
Automotive industry:
EN 50498



Two cables with fuse, for "+" connection and starter battery or centre point connection
Temperature sensor:
Optional (ASS000100000)


Stored trends

Stored data:
Battery voltage, current, percentage state of charge, and aux input (battery temperature, average deviation or starter battery voltage)
Number of days for which trend data is saved:

Victron Energy B.V
De Paal 35
1351 JG Almere-Haven

Varianten ID


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<div class="pdf"> <a href=""target="_blank">Datasheet SmartShunt 500A</a> </div> <div class="pdf"> <a href=""target="_blank">Manual SmartShunt 500A</a> </div> <div class="pdf"> <a href=""target="_blank">Quick installation guide SmartShunt 500A</a> </div> <div class="pdf"> <a href=""target="_blank">Manual VictronConnect</a> </div>

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