Vertical level sensor for grey water / black water, different lengths, 10-180Ohm, stainless steel

Resistance-controlled level measurement, can be combined with Victron Cerbo GX

Varianten-ID 89875

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Vertical level sensor for grey water / black water, different lengths,

10-180Ohm, made of stainless steel

for mounting in vehicle, boat, yacht, caravan, camper


Resistance-controlled level measurement for gray water / black water. The tank sensor provides a resistance value between 0-180 Ohm, depending on the level of the tank. This value can then be evaluated and displayed by various tank gauges with a signal input range of 10 - 180Ohm. 

The full level probes are particularly attractive in conjunction with Victron's Cerbo GX communication unit. The probe can be connected directly to the Cerbo GX - without the need for an interface in between. The level is then displayed on the Touch 50/70 system display. Alternatively, the fill level can also be transmitted to the Victron VRM Portal and can then be viewed from anywhere in the world via the Internet. Up to 4 tank probes can be connected to the Cerbo GX.

The following probe lengths are available:

25cm, 28cm, 32cm, 38cm, 48cm

The tank probe should have a distance of 1-2 cm to the tank bottom. For a grey water tank with a height of 30cm (measured from the bottom of the tank inside to the top of the tank outside) choose a tank sensor with 28cm.


The installation is very simple, a hole with a diameter of 40mm and five holes for the screw mounting must be drilled from above into the tank, then insert the tank sensor and fix it in the tank using the supplied screws. A rubber seal is of course also included. Lead the two-pole cable to the gauge or Cerbo GX, the cable can be extended accordingly.

Select the desired length via the DropDown menu and put it in the shopping cart in the required quantity.

Our tank sensors / tank sensors for fresh water / fuel can be found here: Fresh water / fuel

More helpful tips can be found in our FAQ questions/answers page under the following link: FAQ Seite

  • Signal value: 10 - 180 Ohm
  • Material: VA stainless steel
  • incl. gasket and screws
  • diameter mounting plate: 67mm
  • tank bore: 40mm
  • Mounting height above top edge of tank: approx. 17mm
  • Connection cable: 2-pole, length approx. 40cm

Osculati S.r.l.
Via Pacinotti 12
20054 Segrate

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