DC-DC converter 48V to 12V, 20 Ampere, galvanic isolation, ORION-TR / ORI481224110

✅ Stabilised output voltage | ✅ Output power 240W | ✅ Output voltage 10-15V | ✅ Parallel connection

Varianten-ID 15898

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DC-DC Converter 48V to 212V DC

20 Ampere, galvanic isolation

disigned for Truck, Boat, Car, Camping, Caravan, Motor home, Industry

Galvanically isolated DC-DC converter, converts a 48V battery voltage into a stable 12,2V output voltage. Thus 12V loads can be easily used directly on a 48V battery / battery bank.
Simply connect the 48V battery voltage at the input terminals of the ORION DC-DC converter and you can get a stable 12,2V DC voltage at the output terminals of the device.

Remote on-off
The remote on-off eliminates the need for a high current switch in the input wiring. The remote on-off can be operated with a low power switch or by for example the engine run/stop switch (see manual).

Adjustable output voltage: 
The output voltage is adjustable between 10-15V DC.

All models are short circuit proof and can be paralleled to increase output current
An unlimited number of units can be connected in parallel.

IP43 protection
When installed with the screw terminals oriented downwards.

Screw terminals
No special tools needed for installation.

Delivery contains:

  • DC-DC converter 24V-12V, 20A, galvanic isolated, Orion-TR

Further information you can find here: FAQ

  • Input voltage range: 16-35V DC
  • Under voltage shut down: 14V
  • Under voltage restart: 15V
  • Nominal output voltage: 12,2V DC
  • Output voltage adjust range: 10-15V DC
  • Output voltage tolerance: ±2%
  • Output noise: 2mV RMS
  • Off load current: <100mA
  • Cont. output current at nominal output voltage and 25°C: 20 Ampere
  • max. output current at nminal output voltage: 25A (10 seconds)
  • Cont. output power at 25°C: 300W
  • Cont. output power at 40°C: 240W
  • Efficiency: 88%
  • Galvanic isolation: 200V DC between input, output and case
  • Fan: no Fan
  • Operating temperature range: -20°C to +55°C, derate 3% per °C above +40°C
  • Humidity: max. 95%, non condensing
  • Protection: IP43 (screw terminals oriented downwards)
  • DC connection: screw terminals, max, 13mm² / AWG6
  • Fixing: 4 fixing points
  • Weight: 1,3kg
  • Dimensions (H x W x D): 130 x 186 x 70mm

Victron Energy B.V
De Paal 35
1351 JG Almere-Haven

Varianten ID


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<div class="pdf"> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/umgag57y2b88npw/Manual-Orion-Tr-isolated-DC-DC-converters-EN-FR-NL-ES-IT-DE-.pdf?dl=0"target="_blank">Manual</a> </div>

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